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Get immediate access to The Supreme Sound 2.0 Home Course. All 4 modules + 2 bonuses in video & audio format. Download to learn offline or stream on any device.
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Module 1: Activating The Supreme Sound
The Supreme Sound is the sound of your soul...the sound of your spirit. It is unaltered, uninhibited, and unadulterated. Your voice is its vehicle. By harnessing your own unique sound, you will be able to use the power of your voice to become your most authentic self, to develop new neural pathways in the brain, creating new habits and patterns in your life.
In the first module of this course, we will go over the primary concepts that are essential to understanding the Supreme Sound. You will learn about Naad Yoga, the meridians and glandular system of the body, and how to access the naval center. We will begin to tap into the power of our naval using simple and fun exercises that will unlock the penetrating power of your own voice.
Module 2: Healing Powers Of The Voice
Your voice is unique and contains the perfect frequency for deep and transformative healing—not just for yourself, but for those around you. When master your voice, you can become the master of your own reality. In this Module, you will learn the essential qualities of the Supreme Sound and how they can empower you to express the true desires of your heart with clarity and direction. Learn how to access your genuine voice and fall in Love with that sound. We'll also begin to explore fun and powerful breathing techniques for opening up the capacity of your lungs and voice.
Module 3: Sound Projectivity
When you become aware of where in your body you are projecting your voice from, it becomes like an internal GPS system you never knew you had! You'll be able to make a conscious choice of where you want to project from, instead of being thrown by the emotions or external circumstances of life. You'll be able to take any interaction and propel it into a more evolved, heart-centered place. In Module 3, you'll experience this navigation of the body, mind, and energetic system. You will explore the five qualities of the human voice, and and discover what qualities are dominant in your own unique sound.
Module 4: The Supreme Sound Experience
Mantra literally means "wave of the mind." We're all chanting mantras all the time—but what is it that we're chanting? Are we using mantra to elevate, empower, and enliven ourselves? Or is our internal dialogue feeding into self-demoting patterns and habits? In this module, Simrit unpacks the science of mantra in a way that only she can. You'll experience how you can use conscious repetition to alter the brain wave frequency, the molecular structure of our bodies, and your very DNA.
BONUS 1: Simrits Personal Vocal Practice
As a special bonus exclusively for Supreme Sound 2.0 course students, Simrit will be sharing her personal vocal practice. This is the perfect companion class to what you will be learning and practicing in the main modules of the course. It's exciting and fun, and like the course, you can download or stream it from anywhere in the world!
BONUS 2: Q & A Classes
Simrit answers your questions about the course material in TWO prerecorded Q&A sessions! These two additional classes will help you get as much out of the main modules of the course as possible.
Get immediate access to The Supreme Sound 2.0 Home Course. All 4 modules + 2 bonuses in video & audio format. Download to learn offline or stream on any device.
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