Since ancient times, the Summer Solstice has been regarded as one of the most powerful and important times of the year.
To those attuned to the natural world, it’s undeniable.
It is a time of profound extraordinary window for blissful meditative awareness.
This Summer Solstice marks a momentous opportunity to harness the wind of change and direct our sails to a life greater than we could have previously imagined only a year ago.
You are invited to an epic multi-day transformational journey to unlock your life-force, and up-level every aspect of your life.
You have a great work to do in this lifetime.
While these times are overflowing with challenges, there has never been a better time to purify that which is no longer serving you and to activate the energy of what your life is truly about.
In this home activation-retreat, you'll gain the tools to genuinely experience the subtle, majestic nature of your being. We will explore the inspiration of our ancestors, of wise-ones who have laid the path before us, of seers who long ago pierced the veils of time and foretold of the great days we are now living.
Either we can sulk in our difficulties, indulge the depression, amplify our worry and anger....or, we can draw a line in the sand and commit to doing what it takes to experience the joy of living. If we continue to let outer circumstances dictate our level of love and joy, we will forever chase a contentment that is as elusive as a fading rainbow.
On the other hand, if we truly wish to be happy and to discover the deeper meaning of our life...and if we’re willing to do the real work to unearth it...we can experience a joy that will not fade away.
Every session of this event will travel through a sphere, archetype, or facet of the human experience. It is a tuning of the entire human vehicle: body, mind, life-force, and its complex subtle energies. From here we gain the vitality to lead our life through the language of the heart.
Each session will include an active yoga practice, beautiful meditations, and wisdom teaching, all set to the extraordinary soundscape of SIMRIT. Every session will be appropriate for any level of experience.
Featuring Live Music from SIMRIT
Jupiter - Expansion - Wisdom - Prosperity - Sagittarius/Pisces
Real learning is not a function of the intellect. Learning through Jupiter (‘Guru’ in Sanskrit) is the experience of wisdom, and thus the flow of prosperity. Prosperity is the flow of Dharma. Here though, the Guru is no person, no any one individual. It is the living force of wisdom itself. It travels to us via our very breath and life. By tuning our minds to the great force of wisdom, we learn to live the life of a treasure-finder everywhere we go. In Session 1 we open the gates for the great wisdom-force.
Saturn - Perseverance - Change - Focus - Capricorn/Aquarius
Our lives can only tolerate ‘business as usual’ for so long. Eventually, Saturn comes to town and one way or another we will be forced to slow down, stop, and listen. Listen to what? To what our life is endeavoring to communicate. Listening is the path of bliss. Listening is the experience of revelation and inspiration. In Session 2, listening is learning to dwell in the intuitive heart. Listening is discovering how to serve in the fashion that is being perfected for you. By deeply listening, suffering dissipates and we continually blossom and bloom.
Featuring Live Music from SIMRIT
Moon - Depth - Emotion - Compassion - Forgiveness - Cancer
All our emotions can be felt as energy in motion, on the path to becoming love. It is from deep within the realm of our subconscious and unconscious minds that our emotional habits emerge. Our oldest patterns are what obstruct us from experiencing our deepest love. Astrologically, this is represented by the moon.
In Session 3, the mind is emptied of its ordinary mental and emotional patterns as we make way for Soma, the lunar ‘nectar’ of bliss. Here the mind/body activates its inner pharmacy. The pineal and pituitary secrete into the bloodstream giving power to the nervous system and brain. The life-force concentrates into its central channels and the yogi tastes the ineffable sweetness of Reality.
Rahu (North Node of the Moon) - Movement - Desire - Effort
There are areas of our life where we are naturally strong, and other areas that we seem to just be learning about. Some folks seem like masters of relationships, while to others the language of relationships seems quite foreign. Some seem to have money falling into their lap, others can’t seem to gain any no matter how hard they try.
When we take the pathway of discovery, it is a heroic journey. We will be tested with challenges that demand our growth. If we pay attention, we will meet mentors and guides that will assist us as we traverse the darkest of nights and deepest of valleys. Then, if we persevere, we re-emerge with newfound medicine ways, realizing that our true path of bliss is found through serving others. In Session 4 we gain the sacred wisdom of intuitive navigation.
Mars - Willpower - Momentum - Passion - Scorpio/Aries
There comes a time when we need to protect that which is sacred. We need to create healthy boundaries so that our life-energy can thrive. From time to time we need to draw on our inner energy, the powerful will of our soul, so that we can cut through the non-reality and shine like the sun. In Session 5 we activate and strengthen our inner warrior: the energy of our navel center and the courage of our heart. We each have a profound journey we are on. One day we will have to traverse the end of our life. All along the way we need access to our courage, to our conviction and fortitude. We learn that we stand up for ourselves when we stand up for others, when we protect the weak and vulnerable. Session 5 is an experience of the Dharma Warrior.
Mercury - Intelligence - Communication - Curiosity - Virgo/Gemini
Of all the five sensory elements, sound is the most subtle. Even our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are all expressions of sound current. The yogi’s experience is sound as the substratum of the Universe. The pure sound vibration that emanates from the nucleus of our universe is called naad, the Universal Tone. When that cosmic sound flows through us unadulterated, we experience it as living truth. By working with our sound, we tune-up our entire mind/body instrument. We can feel the goodness of our being resonating through our very tissues and cells. Our organs are and immune-intelligence hit higher levels of efficiency and we are able to dwell in the majesty of our luminous heart. Session 6 is a total vibration.
Ketu (South Node of the Moon) - Wisdom - Psychic Ability - Trust
What does it mean to be a channel for something good? How can we develop the skillfulness of emptying ourselves to such an extent that beauty flows through? We all rest on a foundation of past experience, both known and unknown. In Session 7, we learn to experience ourselves as a well-tuned vessel. Wisdom far beyond anything we could have thought of on our own flows through. If we get stuck in our past, we become filled with discontent. When we allow the wisdom of the past to inform our present life-predicament, we find liberation and free our fears of the future.
Venus - Beauty - Satisfaction - Abundance - Taurus/Libra
At the center of life is the urge of creativity. The creative force, Shukra, expresses itself first through sexuality. Yet, the sensuality of Shukra takes many forms. She expresses herself through our poetry and music, our heart-connections, pleasures, and the transcendent beauty of life. Either we create or we destroy. The feminine force is the creative force. The primal Shakti-power. Our life only thrives when we consciously create. In Session 8, we activate the supreme creativity of our path. Our unique gift and power. The heart reigns supreme and love rules the day.
Sun - Light - Brightness - Spiritual Vitality - Positive Spirit
The brightness that beams through your eyes, the warmth of your presence...these are the signs of the essential you. Radiance is the natural force of a human who has become well-aligned with the energy of their soul. They know what they’re all about, and are confident in life’s direction with all its mystery and wonder. The mind that has become blissful, like the perfect full moon, will effortlessly radiate the light of the infinite soul. In Session 9, the number of completion, we brighten our field of radiance and seal our experience in the warmth of our heart.
"I loved the potency of the practices and the discipline it required to commit to the structure from home. The highlights for me were the energy I felt within and around me after the early morning sadhana and chanting, the connectiveness to Jai Dev’s presence even through virtual arena, the delicate and powerful music of SIMRIT, and praying for compassion in solidarity with a worldwide community during a time of great unrest." - Neema
"I really loved the format. It was wonderful to spend such concentrated time inside a virtual container that spanned several days with community. The Zoom Room was so sweet. Of course, it's just amazing to have SIMRIT live there as well. It's just so special." - Kim
"It was amazing to be able to still attend - from my living room - and particularly during a pandemic! I love in-person retreats but I found that I could take longer breaks if needed at home, so I could set my own pace. I loved that it was virtual and it didn’t lose any of the potency." - Kristen
"I can't thank all of you enough for creating a sacred space for me to practice more deeply compassion and love for myself and others, and for going deeper into the practice of stillness and deep listening within myself. I felt calm and more connected to my essence, to what really matters." - Sue Ann
"I LOVED the live music. It really enhanced the experience. It also helped that Jai Dev addressed those of us in the Zoom room, encouraging us and reminding us of certain things as if we were all together in one space." - Becca
"I definitely feel calmer. Even though I don't see or interact with LFA members, I feel more connected and a part of the community. The retreat gave me a feeling of belonging. The experience gave me the luxury of time to stay with my connection to what truly matters and to the divine within and that has deepened my confidence as well as a feeling of peace." - Sue Ann
"After the Immersion was over and the challenging contraction of life occurred, I kept coming back to that opening...the one that has given me the lens to see from a mindful and observing place. It is a place where I can cultivate the ability to not grip to the pleasures of life or avoid the pain. It is a vantage point that is constantly being nurtured, but post immersion I've experienced an anchoring that feels substantive. Saying that I am grateful...well...words just seem to fall short." - Mary
"I was renewed in my commitment to a kundalini yoga practice. I loved the feel of community from LFA and the immersion, even though it was virtual, still felt like such a great connection, energetically, with everyone who was doing the meditations around the world at the same time. That was incredible and to revisit that feels like a huge uplift for me in my sentiments towards humanity right now." - Emily
"I feel more self compassion and trust my intuition more. My consistency towards my practice has increased, because I really got the message that I could dedicate my practice to the happiness of others, and it's just so delightful to continue to bring this into focus when I practice now." - Michelle
About the Teachers:
Jai Dev Singh is a yogi and internationally-renowned Kundalini Yoga teacher. He is the founder of the Life-Force Academy and has authored numerous courses on Yoga and Ayurveda. He is a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist and formerly served as the Clinical Director at the California College of Ayurveda. He travels all over the world sharing ancient yogic teachings and practices.
Internationally-renowned vocalist and songwriter Simrit, born in Athens, Greece, has been studying and experimenting with Kundalini Yoga for two decades. Her highly-acclaimed courses, ‘The Supreme Sound’ and 'Clear & Confident,' continue to be studied by thousands worldwide. She records, composes, produces music, and tours with her band giving concerts and workshops across the globe.
Drupada John MacDonald is a highly trained Vedic Astrologer and teacher, as well as Jai Dev's personal astrology mentor! First and foremost a yogi, Drupada has been practicing both Kriya Yoga and Yogic Astrology for over thirty years. He's the most eloquent of teachers, with an uncanny ability to transmit otherwise esoteric subjects with grounded, inspired and practical wisdom.
© 2021 | Copyright Jai Dev Singh, LLC