Many journeys require traveling a great distance. This one you take from your own home, wherever you are in the world. All you need is to carve out the space in your calendar for it to happen.
Shakti is power.
It is a great energy that dwells within each of us, yet it is not forceful or aggressive.
It can’t be awakened or coerced by clever tricks or games of the ego.
Shakti is the intelligence of life, the supreme creativity.
Shakti does not respond to demands. She is the feminine power and must be courted with love and nuance.
We can only cultivate a space for her to open and awaken. She brings out the best in us. She is the power that makes our minds happy, and brings forth our true joy.
Shakti is multi-faceted and takes many forms. As the Kundalini Shakti, she is the force which opens us into the bliss of the Great Mystery. She puts us in the mighty river current of our unique purpose, and thus the flow of true prosperity.
You are invited on an adventure of a lifetime. Over the course of just a few days, you will embark on a heroic journey—a journey to the center of your own universe where your purpose, prosperity, vitality, and creative energy blossom.
Invite a friend or family member to journey with you (it’s an amazing experience to share with another), or simply do it on your own accord in the privacy of your own mind and heart.
The Life-Force Academy Virtual Immersion is a cinematic, sonic experience. This isn’t joining a Zoom room. Our virtual experiences transmit.
Create a nice space in your home for your journey. Use your best screen and speakers, and we’ll take it from there. The 2024 Immersion is the opening of your inner power and a return to joy!
With Love,
Regular Price: $595
Kick off your summer in the best possible way and be a part of our signature annual event. Grab your ticket now! Attend all sessions live or on-demand afterward plus own all the content forever.
Saturday, June 8th from 7-9:30pm, then streaming on-demand. Featuring live music by SIMRIT.
Prana is the life-force. It is the intelligence of nature, the beat of the heart. It enters the body and mind through the five senses and through the breath. When it loses its center, your vitality becomes depleted, the mind becomes worrisome, and life loses its meaning. Kundalini Yoga works to center the life-force so that your magnetism strengthens, the body gains vigor, and your mind becomes blissful.
Session One is unlocking the great life-force.
Sunday June 9th from 9:30am-1pm PT, then streaming on-demand
The mind can take you to heaven or hell. When the life-force is erratic, the mind follows suit! Then the mind becomes turbulent and the life-force is further disturbed — a double-edged sword. On the other hand, when the life-force centers, the mind becomes blissful. Your bliss leads to greater happiness and the life-force flows with even greater ease. Through its happiness, the mind becomes a yogi’s greatest ally — a shakti for healing, prosperity, and creative brilliance.
Session Two is harnessing the potency of the mind.
Sunday June 9th from 3-5:30pm PT, then streaming on-demand. Featuring live music by SIMRIT.
One of the great gifts Yoga and Tantra have gifted to the world is a rich understanding of the human energy system. Its central channel (shushumna) is where the prana desires to be centered, and is related to the Central Nervous System. Kundalini Yoga practice commands life-force to gather in the central channel. This gives a boost to your magnetism, bringing vitality to the body and bliss to the mind. When the power of the central channel is cultivated, a new shine begins to come forth. It can be seen in the light of the eyes, and the warmth of the presence.
Session Three gathers the life-force in the Shushumna.
Monday June 10th from 9:30am-1pm PT, then streaming on-demand
Some folks always feel that their cup is half empty. Despite best efforts, the well always seems to be running dry. Fortunately, prosperity is an energy that you can learn to work with. The funny thing about prosperity is that if you can identify it around you, it starts to grow. Kundalini Yoga specializes in practices to bring forth the flow of prosperity. True prosperity emerges when you ignite your creativity in service of others.
Session Four activates the flow of prosperity.
Monday June 10th from 3-5:30pm PT, then streaming on-demand. Featuring live music by SIMRIT.
To a Kundalini Yogi, the sound current is sacred. It’s the most subtle of the elements and thus can act as a vehicle that brings the mind into greater bliss. Nothing works more efficiently to transform the miseries of the mind into forces for joy and happiness like the use of sound and mantra. Kundalini Yoga is an ancient, sophisticated sound-current technology.
Session Five is to vibrate the cosmos!
Tuesday June 11th from 9:30am-1pm PT, then streaming on-demand.
There is nothing more powerful in life than a genuine sense of purpose. When purpose is nowhere to be found, it’s hard to accomplish anything even with maximum effort. When you are filled with meaning and purpose, work becomes your great joy. Purpose is not an occupation, nor is it somewhere to be found. Purpose is the very fabric of life — it is pure shakti and takes the form of Dharma — your true path.
Tuesday June 11th from 3-5:30pm PT, then streaming on-demand. Featuring live music by SIMRIT.
We all know that it is only love which reigns supreme. When love is present, all makes sense. When love disappears, confusion sets in. Love brings clarity to your life-path and soothes your worried nerves. Love restores health to the body and cools all inflammation. Love is wisdom, wisdom is love. Through Kundalini Yoga kriyas, you tap into the field of unadulterated love — that magnificent force which transcends time, space and ideas.
Session Seven dwells in the Great Heart.
Wednesday June 12th from 9:30-1pm PT, then streaming on-demand. Featuring live music by SIMRIT.
Joy is the gift of being alive. Real joy does not rely on good times, and need not disappear during difficulties. Real joy is born of a deeper connectivity. If your dial is turned to its frequency, the very act of breathing becomes a joy. This however, takes shakti. It takes transforming the misery patterns of the mind and empowering yourself into greater happiness. The shakti of joy brings courage and fearlessness. It fills you with wonder and awe. Joy is sweetness and the magic of inspiration.
Session Eight is a joy activation!
Monday evening, experience an hour-long sound journey with the SIMRIT project, designed to transport you to new realms. Expect blissful meditation, moments of dance, deep relaxation, and a total immersion in sound. Let the music guide you through an unforgettable sensory adventure. Embrace the mystery and see what surprises await!
Join us Tuesday evening for a magical night of music and dance under the stars with the SIMRIT project. Enjoy a full live concert featuring their latest tracks alongside timeless favorites. Get ready to be uplifted, dance freely, and have an unforgettable time. Don’t miss this extraordinary celebration!
Join us for the Shakti of Dance with the house music legend & pioneer Marques Wyatt. This is an electrifying dance party where rhythm and energy collide. Dance to the prolific beats, get lifted, and experience your body as a vehicle for joy and creative expression. This event will awaken your inner Shakti and elevate your spirit. Don't miss a night of pure joy, unity, and of course, incredible music.
Neo-Psychedelic World & Ethereal Wave band, SIMRIT, has created waves with packed theaters and concert halls, chart-topping albums, and raving fans worldwide that have powered a palpable musical movement.
It won't take very long after the music begins for you to realize that this isn't your average kundalini yoga experience. From the transcendent sounds, the hypnotic groove, world-class musicians, and Simrit's mesmerizing voice... Get ready for lift-off!
We begin our journey by setting our intention for how we would like to transform over the course of our journey. Serenaded by the transcendent sound of the SIMRIT project, we begin to awaken our inner dynamic power to bring this intention to life.
Having set our intention and vision, our subconscious mind begins to react to the new influx of energy we are creating. This is where our limiting patterns and beliefs, and anything that is standing in the way of us and realizing our intention comes to the surface! Using the incredible practices of Kundalini Yoga, we cultivate the life-force energy to move these narratives, and change our story.
Now we've cultivated the life-force energy to truly make the shift. Our energy is activated, and our mind has a new clarity and perception. Finally, we reach the breaking point. We viscerally shed the weight of limiting beliefs, past sadness and grief, and long-held stored emotion. As this washes away, our heart opens, and our vision expands.
We feel a clarity, a lightness, and an openness. Suddenly, our mind is perceiving new ways of being, and new opportunities. Our body is filled with life, excitement, and inspiration. Our heart feels safe to open and expand. This incredible experience feels less like a discovery, and more like a remembrance of our true nature. We know that this is who we always have been.
We remember the intention that we began with, completing the circle. We feel that intention and that vision are already in motion, becoming our reality. It's not that we've changed anything on the outside—instead, we've done something much more powerful, and long-lasting. As our inner world has blossomed, and as we have created the most substantive transformation... our outer world is already expanding. We emerge with clear perception, unprecedented inspiration, and the beautiful presence of our awakened hearts.
"I loved the potency of the practices and the discipline it required to commit to the structure from home. The highlights for me were the energy I felt within and around me after the early morning sadhana and chanting, the connectiveness to Jai Dev’s presence even through virtual arena, the delicate and powerful music of SIMRIT, and praying for compassion in solidarity with a worldwide community during a time of great unrest." - Neema
"I really loved the format. It was wonderful to spend such concentrated time inside a virtual container that spanned several days with community. The Zoom Room was so sweet. Of course, it's just amazing to have SIMRIT live there as well. It's just so special." - Kim
"It was amazing to be able to still attend - from my living room - and particularly during a pandemic! I love in-person retreats but I found that I could take longer breaks if needed at home, so I could set my own pace. I loved that it was virtual and it didn’t lose any of the potency." - Kristen
"I can't thank all of you enough for creating a sacred space for me to practice more deeply compassion and love for myself and others, and for going deeper into the practice of stillness and deep listening within myself. I felt calm and more connected to my essence, to what really matters." - Sue Ann
"I LOVED the live music. It really enhanced the experience. It also helped that Jai Dev addressed those of us in the Zoom room, encouraging us and reminding us of certain things as if we were all together in one space." - Becca
"I definitely feel calmer. Even though I don't see or interact with LFA members, I feel more connected and a part of the community. The retreat gave me a feeling of belonging. The experience gave me the luxury of time to stay with my connection to what truly matters and to the divine within and that has deepened my confidence as well as a feeling of peace." - Sue Ann
"After the Immersion was over and the challenging contraction of life occurred, I kept coming back to that opening...the one that has given me the lens to see from a mindful and observing place. It is a place where I can cultivate the ability to not grip to the pleasures of life or avoid the pain. It is a vantage point that is constantly being nurtured, but post immersion I've experienced an anchoring that feels substantive. Saying that I am grateful...well...words just seem to fall short." - Mary
"I was renewed in my commitment to a kundalini yoga practice. I loved the feel of community from LFA and the immersion, even though it was virtual, still felt like such a great connection, energetically, with everyone who was doing the meditations around the world at the same time. That was incredible and to revisit that feels like a huge uplift for me in my sentiments towards humanity right now." - Emily
"I feel more self compassion and trust my intuition more. My consistency towards my practice has increased, because I really got the message that I could dedicate my practice to the happiness of others, and it's just so delightful to continue to bring this into focus when I practice now." - Michelle
Regular Price: $595
Kick off your summer in the best possible way and be a part of our signature annual event. Grab your ticket now! Attend all sessions live or on-demand afterward plus own all the content forever.
Jai Dev Singh is a renowned teacher of Kundalini Yoga. He is the visionary founder of Life-Force Academy (LFA), a global school for the yogic arts, with students in over 120 countries. His work encompasses multifaceted trainings on Kundalini Yoga, Ayurveda, and Yogic Astrology, forming the cornerstone of LFA's unique approach to dharma practice. With an innate talent for guiding individuals on the path to harnessing their vital magnetism, Jai Dev's teachings transcend mere instruction; they inspire the awakening of a joyful mind and the cultivation of a genuiine sense of purpose.
© 2024 | Copyright Jai Dev Singh, LLC