“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”  

Dear Friends,

There is a special type of magic that occurs during an eclipse. It’s as if the veils of ordinary life are thinned and the blissful realm of the mystic is more easily within reach.

Of course, this goes unnoticed by most. As long as we continue with ‘business as usual,’ the great cosmic rhythms will come and go unbeknownst to us. 

Yet those who take the time to investigate further come to find that we are all influenced by the subtle rays of the skies. From time immemorial, all of our ancestors, from every culture around the world, have observed the physics of the stars. Through the astral language of the cosmos, we discover the patterns of energy that govern all our lives. 

By aligning our own life with the cosmic rhythm, we can discover and activate a new magnificence — an inner force of inspiration that guides our life into a grander experience of joyful love. 

For the first time ever, during this powerful eclipse week in May 2023, the Life-Force Academy Maui Retreat was live-streamed globally. I can't wait to share this with you.

With Love,

Jai Dev

More About the Experience

A transporting psychedelic-like journey, using only your body and breath.

How often do you get the chance to have an experience that is so invigorating & revelatory that afterwards, you’re filled with a deep confidence in yourself and your life’s path?

In a relatively short amount of time, we can lighten that which has grown heavy, calm that which has been frantic, and tap into our deep reservoir of inner bliss.

  • Kundalini Yoga practices for total system revitalization. You’ll feel strong, intuitively clear, and with a heart full of joy. 
  • Guided Meditations to bring the mind into an inner state of bliss. From here, we can relax and dwell in our natural state, free of worries and sorrows.
  • Dharma Teaching that weaves a vision for a new horizon. It’s absolutely possible to live in genuine joy while maintaining presence for all of the difficult demands our lives ask of us. The teachings give us the vision which guides our inner experience. 
  • Live Music by the SIMRIT experience to transport you to another world! There is nothing like going on this journey, with these teachings, these practices…and these musicians. They provide a soundscape, a way of melody, a timeless rhythm that is simply breathtaking.
  • Own the entire Virtual Home Retreat! Watch on your schedule & revisit as often as you wish.



Jai Dev Singh is a yogi and internationally-renowned Kundalini Yoga teacher. He is the founder of the Life-Force Academy and has authored numerous courses on Yoga and Ayurveda. He is a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist and formerly served as the Clinical Director at the California College of Ayurveda. He travels all over the world sharing ancient yogic teachings and practices.


Internationally-renowned vocalist and songwriter Simrit, born in Athens, Greece, has been studying and experimenting with Kundalini Yoga for two decades. Her highly-acclaimed courses, ‘The Supreme Sound’ and 'Clear & Confident,' continue to be studied by thousands worldwide. She records, composes, produces music, and tours with her band giving concerts and workshops across the globe.  

Lei’ohu Ryder and Maydeen ‘Īao

Founders of Aloha in Action, who will bless us with the spirit, songs and magnificence of Living Aloha!