Your Price: Only $2,100

Join us now for Dharmic Business School! Get immediate access to all 8 modules, 5 tactical videos, 3 bonuses and the Q&A sessions! 


Inside The Fundamentals Course:

Imagine living your best life...

A life filled with a deep sense of purpose, and with overflowing prosperity. Your personal cup is filled, and as it overflows you are able to nourish and uplift those around you. You feel happy, inspired, and on track with your life mission.

This is the heart of Dharma Business School.
We are all on Planet Earth with a great mission, and sense of purpose. Whatever your mission is, I guarantee that at its center, it has to do with helping others.

At the core, a business is a service vehicle helping you share your purpose, gifts, & dharma with the world. Your business container, and systems of your business, are what allow creativity to flow through it, generating both prosperity & purpose...

Yes, a business exists to make money. And a healthy business grows over time, generating more financial prosperity than it requires to operate. However, profits are a healthy side effect, the ultimate reason for a business to exist is as a container to be of service to others, and for your prosperity & purpose to flow.

We are all on the planet with a purpose, to give something to the creative process of life, and hopefully, leave the world a better place than we found it.

Module 1: Prosperity & Purpose

Wasting no time in Module 1, we dive right into the rich content of this course. We start by breaking down and then building up the foundational aspects of any business that is truly on a dharmic path. Using strong discernment tactics you will begin to clarify your life's mission, how your business has to become an extension of that mission, and how to generate the kind of conviction that distinguishes those who succeed from those who do not. These important teachings not only set the tone for the rest of the course but plot a trajectory for your business to thrive. 

Module 2: Setting The Psyche For Success

Module 2 is all about attuning your psyche to the frequency of success. Whether we are aware of it or not, we all hold onto beliefs that prevent us from achieving the kind of prosperity we are capable of. To break through old habits and tendencies, we must first identify what they are and then begin to dismantle them through systematic practice. In Module 2, you will begin that process in a powerful way. Once we clear that way inside ourselves, then the energy of prosperity will flow into our lives naturally. We can generate the resources needed to fulfill our personal and professional goals. 

Module 3: Generating Business Intuition

In this module, we penetrate into the depths of yogic psychology as it pertains to the path of entrepreneurship and business. The path is riddled with difficult decisions and obstacles that threaten to derail you and your business at any moment. In order to navigate the difficulties of the dharmic mission, we must understand our own inner workings and how to leverage the innate power of our minds to make wise, intuitive, and thus prosperous decisions. From here, we launch into understanding how to vibrate your marketing message in a way that is authentic and magnetic. 

Module 4: Dharma Business Magnetism

This is where things really start to get fun! We unlock the three most important pillars of any successful business system. Using these key points alone could take your business or your business idea to an entirely new level. This module is about execution. It is about putting the systems in place that will enhance the long-term vitality of your organizations. One of the main reasons that most businesses fail is because they lack the understanding and discipline to focus their efforts on what is most important. In Module 4, we break down where you should be spending your time, how to create a culture of success, and to refine your offering to make it more appealing to your audience. 

Module 5: Concentrating Business Life-Force

There is something about what you do that no one else could ever possibly hope to replicate. In this module, we uncover what it is that YOU DO BEST, and amplify those aspects to make your business unique to your life's mission. This is about refinement and specialization. It is about taking whatever it is that you offer, and learning how to present it in a way that magnetizes you to the people that need your service the most. When you are exceptionally clear on what it is that you do, then you can clearly communicate your mission with precision to the world. We will help you identify your ideal customer and how to reach them in a way that builds a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust.  

Module 6: Activating Business Magnetism

The practical aspects of marketing are important but what activates magnetic marketing is your ability to tap into the most fundamental aspects of the human condition. Everyone has challenges in their lives and everyone needs help from others to overcome those challenges. In Module 6, we explore how to tune into the specific challenges of your particular audience and use your messaging to make a direct connection between the energy of your business and the pain/aspirations of those who need your help. This is about cultivating the deep compassion and empathy needed to communicate effectively and serving the highest good through your business. 

Module 7: The Dharma Business Pipeline

This is where we share with you one of our most effective business strategies. This highly-refined system has worked for us almost every time without fail. Not only do we break down the concepts in easy to understand terms but we give you tangible examples of how to apply this system in the context of your business. It doesn't matter how great your idea is, if you don't have an effective strategy for building a customer base, your business will not succeed. This easy-to-understand-and-apply funnel system is the game-changer that can take your business to the next level of prosperity. Not only is it easy, it's also fun too! 

Module 8: The Dharma Business Engine

In Module 8 we go deep! Not only do we dig into and unpack the pipeline process further, but we also offer up some of our other most effective marketing strategies. We give you real, tangible examples of marketing funnels that we've built, email copy that has been exceptionally successful for us and go into the art and science of writing good email subject lines. We go step-by-step into how to write ad copy that not only converts but connects. The key is not the conversion—it is the connection!

We also break down the crucial differences between selling and educating, and explain why this difference can have a huge impact on the longevity of your business. This module is a look under the hood of some of our best business practices. Inside the nuts and bolts of our business, you may find some of the most important gems to extract and use in your own professional pursuits. Get your notepad ready... This, as they say, is the game-changer!

Special Course Bonuses

When you purchase Dharmic Business Fundamentals, you also receive these exclusive bonus gifts only available to owners of the course!


Most businesses measure success by net profit. However, we know very well that net profit is not, and cannot be, the only measurement to determine success. The world is filled with businesses who have tremendous net profit and lackluster culture. These businesses bow to the altar of profit before anything else. Often it is at the cost of others' livelihoods, the environment and the well-being of society. To have a business is a big responsibility.

The culture of the business, the positive transformation it serves, and the goodwill it delivers are as important in measuring the success of a business as the net profit. Largely, these qualities will flow from the business leadership. Leadership is not simply a science, it is equally (if not more so), an art. In this special bonus class exclusive to Dharmic Business students, Jai Dev will unpack the 7 Principles of Dharmic Business Leadership that you can learn from and implement into your business organism.


More than 80% of the emails businesses send are deleted before they ever get opened or read. Cutting through inbox noise, and leveraging the power hidden inside your email list is what this bonus is all about. We look at ways to rapidly grow your email list, while learning ways to segment your list into specific groups of people, for more targeted messaging. We will also learn how to extend the reach of your email list beyond the inbox, and get your message to the people through other areas of their online world.


As an added bonus that we think will make this simply irresistible…when you register for Dharma Business School Fundamentals, you will receive a significant student discount to attend any upcoming IN-PERSON LIFE-FORCE ACADEMY IMMERSION. Your student pricing can also be extended to one additional guest. (Each guest must register separately, using appropriate promo code. This offer expires when space at each event fills up.)

The Fundamentals Course Details:

  • The course consists of eight complete modules. Each module is an hour to an hour and a half in length. Each module includes a class & an anchor question worksheet. You'll receive the entire course immediately so you can begin whenever you wish. 
  • Each class is provided in both video and audio format. The video format is dynamic and adds a visual element to the learning experience. The audio allows you to listen on the go!
  • You can stream the classes from the course website and/or download the audio files to your computer. It's very flexible and accessible for every lifestyle. You go at your own pace.
  • In addition to the 8 modules, you will also receive a series of activating prosperity meditations practices that you will work with each day as you move through the course. This everyday practice is what makes the course experience particularly transformative as they are designed to help you strengthen your inner energy around prosperity & success.
  • You also get a tactical videos series to walk you through the process of setting up comprehensive yet simple marketing magnetics. This is a great introduction to the work that we will be doing inside the full Apprenticeship experience!
  • Also included is a series of pre-recorded Q&A sessions where you'll receive answers to common questions that may arise for you during the course.
  • You will own the course and can access it at any time you wish. It is a powerful life asset that is yours forever.
  • If for any reason you decide the course is not for you, you have a full 60-day guarantee period to let us know and we'll send you a full refund. It's risk free. 




Your Price: Only $2,100

Join us now for Dharmic Business School! Get immediate access to all 8 modules, 5 tactical videos, 3 bonuses and the Q&A sessions! 

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