In times of great uncertainty, we are given a great opportunity. It's as if the veils have thinned and our ability to connect to what is true and real is amplified. 

In the great traditions of Indian and Tibetan Buddhist inner science, esoteric and exoteric, real reality is nirvana. What is real is true freedom from suffering and limitation of love. Therefore, the more we confront and know the reality, the more confident and free we feel. We suffer mainly because we are intimidated by authorities into believing that we neither have the power to understand nor have the right to be happy. 

During this online retreat, we will deepen our experiential sense of the goodness of reality, seeing past our inbred fear of it. We will discover together more deeply and clearly that ignorance is not bliss. With knowing, being, and feeling reality in its natural goodness—we experince wisdom as bliss! Bliss easily shares itself in love and caring. 

Worry and fear are not innately negative. They are emotions that can help us access our most tender and vulnerable heart. From that space, genuine love and courage can prevail. We can use this time to up-level our life in ways that may have been previously unimaginable.  

Using elevating yogic exercises and blissful meditations, we will revitalize the body, bring the mind into peaceful clarity, and connect our heart to its natural wisdom and purpose.

Inside The Online Retreat:

A Joyful Activation: Turning the Wheel of Time Evening 1

With Robert Thurman & Jai Dev Singh

The great Dharma teachings of India and Tibet clearly  tell us this: we can truly experience bliss and happiness in this lifetime. The human body is experienced as an instrument of intelligence, love and compassion. It is through the sensitivity of the human vehicle that we can experience the Nirvana of the present moment. When we realize this, love and wisdom begins to emanate through us. Our very existence is an uplifting, joyful force. 

In this session, Bob and Jai Dev set the stage for Turning The Wheel Of Time. Bob takes us on an enlightening journey into the historical roots of these teachings with a scholar’s focused knowledge and an elder’s expansive wisdom. It is a joyful activation that will expand your mind and take you directly into the vibration of the heart. 

Alchemy of Bliss Pt. 1

Tuning the Mind-Body Instrument - With Jai Dev Singh

The human mind-body is composed of the five elements- earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Prana is the infinite, intelligent life-force love energy that animates all things. Using the body, breath, and mind as a majestic instrument, we start to experience the heightened expression of the five elements. We experience the conditions of love and purpose as it vibrates from the nucleus of the being.

Using powerful yogic exercises and meditations, you will gain inner experience of your own regal and radiant nature. You’ll learn how to use the navel center to generate strength and direct your life-force. Jai Dev teaches about the essential winds, or ‘vayus’, that circulate in the body and govern all physiological and mental processes. These vayus can be understood as a sort of ‘spiritual engine’ in which all life-experiences are transformed into a wisdom-force that guides one’s life-direction. You’ll learn how to work with those vayus to build vitality, develop subtle perception and clarity, and skillfully project the blissful prayer of compassion.

The Goodness of Time Pt. 1

Finding The Goodness of Yourself - With Robert Thurman

Human beings are the happy life-form. In the great traditions of Indian and Tibetan Buddhist inner science, esoteric and exoteric, real reality is nirvana. What is real is true freedom from suffering and limitation of love. Therefore, the more we confront and know the reality, the more confident and free we feel. We suffer mainly because we are intimidated by authorities into believing that we neither have the power to understand nor have the right to be happy.

In this brilliant session, Tenzin Bob exquisitely unpacks the Buddha’s teachings with great wisdom, storytelling, and wit. He expands our perception of reality, revealing a bliss-land. Through our ‘primal intuition’  we may realize that at the deepest level, everything is good. 

Infinite Life: Turning the Wheel of Time Evening 2

With Robert Thurman & Jai Dev Singh

In both the teachings of yoga and Tibetan Buddhism, the idea of the “soul” is one of an infinite process. There is a part of us that was here long before this physical body, that is closer to us than we have ever imagined, and it will continue long after this physical body is gone. Here we experience death as a wonderful ally; a great advisor. We are asked to understand that the current moment of our life, and the eventual moment of our death, are one and the same. The teachings on death show us how to properly live. 

In this beautiful session, Bob and Jai Dev take on the death teachings with both lightness and profound depth-  with lots of laughs, humor, and wonder along the way. 

Alchemy of Bliss Pt. 2

Powers of Concentration - With Jai Dev Singh

Through yogic practices, meditations, and cultivation of wisdom, a yogi can develop great skills of concentration. When the mind is able to concentrate in a single direction for prolonged periods of time, particularly within the context of meditation practices, new ‘grooves’ within the psyche form. The subtle nervous system is enlivened. We are able to experience ourselves as majestic, joyful. 

In ordinary living, life energy tends to remain in the peripheral nervous system. When life-force is concentrated in the central nervous system, the sushumna, a deeper reservoir of energy is tapped. The body is given greater vitality, the mind experiences content, and very naturally our lives move in its purposeful direction. In this session, we use transporting Kundalini Yoga exercises and meditations to nurture the higher centers of consciousness. Thus, we are able to experience ourselves as a majestic being, one that is supremely precious and important. We can transform the theoretical into the actual via our experience. 

The Goodness of Time Pt. 2

Blissfulness Of The Human Condition - With Robert Thurman

Truly universal and unconditional compassion arises in a being who encounters the deepest nature of reality - or perhaps compassion is the most realistic way of engaging with life realistically.  Draw your wisdom sword. Prepare for your neurons to be stretched and enlivened as we learn how to reprogram the central nervous system for bliss. 

Sometimes people think if they have an experience where things seem to melt into empty space, that it is a realization of emptiness. It is a valuable experience — as long as it’s not misinterpreted — however, it’s not a realization of emptiness. In The Goodness of Time Pt. 2, Tenzin Bob beautifullly connects Buddha's revolutionary emptiness teaching with the supremely positive human emotions of selfless love and compassion. We experience how the Dharma teachings and practices help to essentially reprogram the central nervous system for bliss.

Kalachakra: Turning the Wheel of Time Evening 3

With Robert Thurman & Jai Dev Singh

When we deepen our experiential sense of the goodness of reality, seeing past our inbred fear of it, we will discover together more deeply and clearly that ignorance is not bliss. With knowing, being, and feeling reality in its natural goodness—we experience wisdom as bliss! Bliss easily shares itself in love and caring.

In this beautiful final session of the retreat, Bob unpacks the Kalachakra or Wheel of Time- the divine palace inside each and every one of us that we can invite all other beings into in the form of boundless compassion. It is full of powerful teachings and stories from both Sikh and Tibetan lineages, a spirit of love, and a joyful meditation.

How The Course Works:

  • The course consists of seven video sessions. The entire course is available immediately, so you can set your own pace and assimilate the teachings in a flow that works for you. Each session is an hour to an hour and a half in length.
  • Each class is provided in both video and audio format. The video format is dynamic and adds a visual element to the learning experience. The audio allows you to listen on the go!
  • You can stream the classes from the course website and/or download the video/audio files to your computer.
  • You will own the course and can access it at any time you wish. It is a powerful life asset that is yours forever.

About the Teachers:


Robert Thurman is one of the world's leading experts on Tibetan Buddhism. President and Co-Founder of Tibet House US and Menla Retreat, he was named one of Time magazine’s 25 most influential Americans and has been profiled by The New York Times and People Magazine. He has authored numerous books and is one of the world's most beloved American Buddhist teachers.


Jai Dev Singh is a yogi and internationally renowned Kundalini Yoga teacher. He is the founder of the Life-Force Academy and has authored numerous courses on Yoga and Ayurveda. He is a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist and formerly served as the Clinical Director at the California College of Ayurveda. He travels all over the world sharing ancient yogic teachings and practices.

© 2020 | Copyright Jai Dev Singh, LLC