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Regular Price: $695

Your Price: Only $395

You qualify for special tuition this week for YOGIC ASTROLOGY: Fundamentals Course. The course is regularly priced at $695. If you join in now, your access price is only $395. This is a one-time-only offer and will expire soon.



To learn astrology is to learn the mythic language of your own life’s path.

It is the language of nature herself and opens up an entire universe of wisdom and wonder.

You have innate intuitive gifts that are desiring to blossom.

You have blind spots and weaknesses where life is asking you to grow.

Your story is the hero’s journey.

The language of Yogic Astrology allows you to tune into your unique path and the unique path of those around you.

By learning its wisdom, we uncover the secrets of life’s deeper purpose.

Yogic Astrology is not primarily concerned with predictions…

For the yogi, the seeker of happiness, Astrology becomes a profound tool that aids us in our quest to discover true purpose and lasting love.



The energy and vitality to thrive


The power to speak your truth


A deeper experience of love & pleasure


The fulfillment that comes from a deeper sense of purpose


The ability to follow through on things that are important


A radiant & regal self-image


Feeling safe and comfortable to express yourself


Get momentum behind your most crucial life-path


Letting go of attachments

What you will learn...

  • Learn the basic fundamentals of how to read & interpret a Vedic Astrology horoscope so you can gain deeper insight into your inner architecture and that of others.
    “What does Mars in my horoscope say about my willpower and how it might be activated?” “What might it mean if Jupiter is transiting my 12th house?” “What may I expect from a lover if their Venus is placed in Scorpio?”
  • Learn how to follow the planetary transits in your life & in the world so you can interpret an astral weather report and attune to the subtle yet powerful rhythms of nature.
    “When might a new love come into my life?” “When might be a good time to focus on money & my career?” “When is an ideal time to go deeper into my spiritual practice, and how might I do it?”
  • Learn yogic remedies (mantras, meditations, gemstones, etc.) for astrological conditions so you can modify and improve difficulties or challenges, and boost your innate strengths and blessings.
    “What mantra should I do when Mercury goes retrograde?” “What gemstones or crystals should I wear if I have a debilitated Sun?”
  • Learn the language of Astrology so you can tune into and discover the mythic journey of your life’s path.
    Through learning the building blocks of this ancient language, it opens up an entire universe of wonder and wisdom.
    Your story is the hero’s journey. Learning this language will help you uncover the secrets of your deeper purpose.

The 3 Pillars of the Yogic Astrology Course

This course is not simply an intellectual study. Astrology is not simply a science. It is an art and it relies on a foundation of your direct experience. This course journey is…

  • ONE PART SCIENCE - asking you to draw your intellectual sword to analyze, research and study.
  • ONE PART MYSTICISM - asking you to meditate and to directly experience the energy of the planets, constellations and houses.
  • ONE PART ARTISTRY - where you’ll synthesize it all together into a beautiful tapestry that serves your life and your ability to live with greater happiness, love and joy.

Module 1: Planets - The Nine Spheres of Wisdom

Dive into the fundamentals of Vedic Astrology by unlocking the wisdom the 9 Planets. In this module, you'll learn how to align with these powerful energies as allies on your life path. Discover your ruling planet, uncover your unique gifts, and gain awareness of areas for growth. This module marks the transformative beginning of your astrological journey.

Module 2: Constellations - The 12 Fields of Light Energy

Deepen your understanding of the constellations with Module 2, where we explore the 12 Rashis, the domains of life energy that shape our existence. Unlock the myths and stories behind each constellation, enriched with fun celebrity examples, to gain a profound appreciation for your unique nature and those around you. This module lays a solid foundation for a substantive and meaningful study of Yogic Astrology.

Module 3: The Houses Pt 1 - Journey Through the 12 Domains of Life

Embark on a mythic journey through the 12 houses, or 'Bhavas,' the great domains of life every human travels. By illuminating these aspects of our journey, you'll understand where you are uniquely supported and where you might face challenges. In Module 3, you’ll gain the essential tools to begin analyzing astrological charts effectively.

Module 4: The Houses Pt 2 - Harmonizing with the Domains of Life

Here we go deeper into the houses, uncovering their unique opportunities and challenges. You’ll learn to assess planetary strength and weakness with new insight and precision by identifying key placements and their positions. When we dive into the deeper meanings of the NAVGRAHA, RASHIS, and BHAVAS, we gain profound insight into an individual's life, personality, and experiences. This module features the birth chart of the great Martin Luther King Jr., and we use his mythic life story as an ally on our learning journey.

Module 5: Confluence - Unlocking Your Chart

In Module 5, the real magic begins. Building on your essential knowledge, you'll unlock incredible nuance and insight by studying aspects, yogas (planetary combinations), and the rich symbolism and mythology of astrological elements. Discover specific mantras, meditations, and philosophical practices to transform your astrological knowledge into embodied wisdom.

Module 6: Cosmic Forecasting - The Fundamentals of Planetary Transits

Unlock the cosmic weather report and gain a powerful tool for intuition and decision-making. In Module 6, you'll learn the dasha (planetary period system) and understand the significance of planetary transits on your career, relationships, personal growth, and more. Emerge with the ability to forecast cosmic influences on your life and path.

Module 7: Cosmic Remedies - Working in Harmony with the Stars

Discover the transformative power of astrological remedies with the magical practices of Yogic Astrology. Learn essential practices to harmonize with the stars and bring good fortune, opportunity, and prosperity. Explore yoga practices, gemstones, dietary changes, service, and more. Regardless of what the future holds, you will gain essential tools to navigate it all with clarity and grace.

Module 8: Reading the Stars - Foundations of Chart Mastery

Here, we tie together everything we’ve learned into a beautiful tapestry that will serve our life and path. You emerge from this journey with all the foundations of chart mastery: the ability to identify key elements, understand their interplay, and derive meaningful insights. This module is designed to empower you with the confidence and expertise to master chart readings and bring the wisdom of Yogic astrology into practical application.

How does this course work?

  • Eight on-demand modules
  • As a course owner, you can download all the course content (as it becomes available) so that you do not have to rely on an internet connection and will have lifetime access. It’s very flexible for every lifestyle - there’s no rush to finish the course.
  • Digital handouts help you metabolize and integrate the concepts of the course so you can start utilizing the principles right now.
  • You will own the course and can access it at any time you wish. It is a powerful life asset that is yours forever.
  • Each module contains profound astrological teachings, practical applications, exercises, and blissful meditations.
  • If for any reason you decide the course is not for you, you have a full 60-day period to let us know and we'll send you a full refund. It's risk-free.

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone who is interested in applying the principles of Astrology into their lives.
  • Anyone who would like to have a better understanding of their own horoscope and that of their loved ones, friends, and family! No prior astrological or astronomical knowledge is required!
  • Yoga teachers who would like to deepen their knowledge of the yogic arts through the lens of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology). Continuing education credits with Yoga Alliance are available!
  • Anyone working in the healing arts seeking to give their professional and personal practice another level of depth, sophistication, and subtlety.
  • Anyone who works or lives in an environment where they are required to deal with other people – managers, service industry workers, yoga teachers, healers, nurses, business executives, entrepreneurs, college professors, psychologists, activists, etc.

What is this course not?

This course is not designed to train people to be professional Astrologers. It may be your first step along that road, or it may be a deepening of your astrological knowledge, but taking this course will not qualify you to work as a professional Astrologer.


When you purchase The Yogic Astrology Course, you also receive these exclusive bonus gifts, only available to owners of the course!


Have you ever wondered why some relationships flourish while others falter? Vidya Sofia, a Vedic astrology expert, joins us to teach a class on using Vedic Astrology to analyze relationship compatibility. In this bonus class, part of our Yogic Astrology Fundamentals course, we explore the birth charts of well-known individuals to uncover insights about daily life flow, emotional alignment, sexual chemistry, and communication styles. This class provides a valuable tool to reduce uncertainty in new romantic pursuits and enhance existing relationships.


Join Drupada MacDonald, Jai Dev's esteemed Vedic Astrology mentor, on an enlightening journey through the 7 Chakras. Discover ancient wisdom that can transform your understanding of energy, self-awareness, and life. This session will reveal profound insights that have the power to change your perspective and empower your journey.


Course owners receive up to a MASSIVE 50% DISCOUNT on our flagship yoga retreat event, the Life-Force Academy Immersion. A bonus of nearly $1000 in value, this is worth more than the course alone. These Immersions are the single most powerful and effective thing that we offer – they are the reason why we exist as an organization. There is nothing like spending 4-5 days completely immersed in these teachings – and you’re invited!


What do the planets have to do with my life?

In short — everything! The planets represent all the different facets of our experience here on planet earth, from our minds and bodies to subtle energies, to the happenings in the external world. When we learn to harmonize with all these different facts of life, we feel happier, healthier, more purposeful, whole, and fulfilled. 

What if I am into Tropical/Western Astrology?

The knowledge you already have of the planets and constellations will definitely be useful for you here! If you’re already into birth chart analysis, this will add to your skill set and give you a whole different way to look at someone’s birth chart through the Vedic system. No matter which system you end up using, this will add another level of depth and sophistication to your knowledge. 

Do I need to know my birth time to fully utilize this course?

No – but it is definitely useful! We recommend working with a skilled Astrologer who specializes in ‘chart rectification’ to determine your likely birth time. 

Will Jai Dev look at my specific birth chart and give me advice?

Likely not – but you’ll get something much more valuable having gone through the course. You will learn how to interpret your own chart, and when this knowledge is blended with both your own self-knowledge and intuitive wisdom, you’ll be able to make powerful decisions for yourself in your own life. 

Will I know everything there is to know about Vedic Astrology after I take this course?

Definitely not! Vedic Astrology is an endless study – you could study it for your entire life and never reach the end! 

Will this course teach me how to predict the future?

No, our emphasis is not on predictive Astrology. However, it will teach you how to read the ‘astral weather report,’ so to speak, and how to better align with what Mother Nature is asking of you in different seasons of your life. 

How is this course different from other Vedic Astrology Courses?

This is a course for seekers, yogis, and spiritual aspirants of all kinds who would like to use Astrology to become happier, healthier, and more aligned with their sense of purpose. It's an experiential course where you will both learn the principles and practical applications and also feel their wisdom come alive inside of your life. There are many wonderful teachers who have courses that will teach you professional Vedic Astrology. This is an experiential course that uses the fundamental building blocks of Vedic Astrology to support the experience of yoga, meditation, and dharma practice.

See what others are saying about the Yogic Astrology Course:

“Easy to follow explanations with Great example charts of some inspiring celebrities and personalities. Content is available to go back to and watch as many time as you want that really helps you go at your own pace and learning style. Suggested books to accompany you through this journey are of great aid to gain better understanding. Topic makes for great conversation starter with friend and family or most anyone!”

- Denisse

“This course has brought me closer to the cosmos – now I take time to look up in the sky and to form a relationship with the energy of each planet and constellation…my life feels richer in connection with those energies above us. Life force academy and Jai Dev’s team really take their time if offering enrichment in the topics they teach. You gain so much knowledge, you are encouraged to lead with your intuition and always grounded in meditation. The Yogic Astrology course was a deep dive into understanding the cosmos above us and how we reflect it in our being. This course gave so much and it’s something that I will continue to go back to to gain more and more understanding.”

- Aniutka

“Jai Dev's teaching style is relaxed yet comprehensive. He has a gift for making you feel comfortable while he breaks down complex concepts and details into manageable chunks.  This allows you to build confidence in your abilities so you are encouraged to go further. He has a remarkable ability to make ancient teachings feel modern while always ensuring you are participating in a sacred experience.  Jai Dev is a gift to us all and I am grateful for all he does to make these profound teachings accessible so easily.”




Regular Price: $695

Your Price: Only $395

You qualify for special tuition this week for YOGIC ASTROLOGY: Fundamentals Course. The course is regularly priced at $695. If you join in now, your access price is only $395. This is a one-time-only offer and will expire soon.

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Jai Dev Singh is a renowned teacher of Kundalini Yoga. He is the visionary founder of Life- Force Academy (LFA), a global school for the yogic arts, with students in over 120 countries. His pioneering work encompasses multifaceted trainings on Kundalini Yoga, Ayurveda, and Yogic Astrology, forming the cornerstone of LFA's substantive approach to dharma practice. 

With an innate talent for guiding individuals on the path to harnessing their vital magnetism, Jai Dev's teachings transcend mere instruction; they inspire the awakening of a joyful mind and the cultivation of a genuine sense of purpose. 

© 2023 | Copyright Jai Dev Singh, LLC