with Internationally Renowned Yogi & Teacher, Jai Dev Singh

Join us this full moon to ignite your inner strength and choose joy through a transformative webcast with Jai Dev Singh. Experience breathwork, movement, and energy activation to unlock your Shakti—your dynamic inner power. This session promises not only immediate rejuvenation but also lasting empowerment, impacting every facet of your existence. Are you ready to activate your highest potential?

Available on-demand now for a limited time.


We are finding our inner backbone and making the choice to return to joy, no matter what is happening in our life. 

Join me for this. I’m hosting a very special full moon webcast to lift you to the frequency of joy, and activate what the yogis call your Shakti — your inner dynamic power.

You will breathe, move your body, and harness your inner energy in a way that you will feel immediately.

Here’s the thing: there’s not a single one of us that doesn’t desire joy, love, and prosperity. We all have this in common.

Yet what is much more difficult is cultivating the inner power and caliber to CHOOSE joy, love and prosperity. Not all of us have invested in creating this power for ourselves… yet!

Luckily — this is something that is within your reach, right now.

If life feels overwhelming, or if you're trapped in the momentum of yesterday and struggling to make positive changes — bring your Shakti alive.

It doesn’t require anything more than your own breath and body to activate.

When you activate this inner power, it’s not just you who feels it almost instantly… others will, too!

Give it one session and you’ll feel confident and attractive in your body, calm and clear in your mind. Keep working with it and and gain mastery over all the different facets of your life, from your relationships to career and finances — there is no area that this doesn’t touch!

So… are you in?

Everyone is welcome. Even if you’ve never done anything like this before, it will meet you right where you are — and I’m willing to bet that it might just be the coolest thing you’ve done in a while.

Click through to join us.

Jai Dev.

Jai Dev is a yogi, mystic, and internationally renowned teacher. He is the founder of the Life-Force Academy—a global community for yogic teachings and practices to help us connect to our deeper purpose.

He has authored numerous courses on Yogic Philosophy, Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga, and Ayurveda. In addition to his work as a Yogi, Jai Dev has a background in Ayurvedic Medicine and is a certified Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist.

He travels all over the world sharing ancient yogic teachings and practices in a uniquely accessible way that’s relevant to our times.