Jai Dev, This has been the most important study of myself...Your teaching method has really helped me to understand more than I ever thought possible! This class is great! Oh my gosh! I wish I’d paid attention to my body sooner! It’s been speaking to me all along and I didn’t understand what it was trying to say! This class is opening the doors to enlightenment.



Module 1: Activating Your Life-Energy

Here, our journey begins. You’ll see right from the beginning that this is not your average Ayurveda course. The context in which we approach something is central in determining how well we will be able to understand it, and how deep we will be able to dive inside of it. 

In the first module, Jai Dev beautifully unpacks the vision of Ayurveda and the entryway into studying it and practicing it with great depth. You’ll learn how Ayurveda understands the roots of disease and how to walk on the path to ‘svastha,’ perfect health.

Module 2: Discovering Your Inner Architecture

The study of Ayurveda is essentially the study of nature’s intelligence, and how to align with it. When you align with it, automatically the body and mind will start to experience greater and greater equilibrium, and thus vitality. The great sages of India codified the principles of the supreme intelligence into a map, an architecture, that we can learn, study and experience. These principles are not outside of us. It is the inner architecture of our very mind and body, as well as the subtle infrastructure of the cosmos. 

In this module, you will learn the fundamental building blocks of your subtle, energetic, mental and physical nature. By deeply understanding what they are and how they operate, it will allow you to come into better alignment with them in your life. The greater your alignment with the true principles of life, the greater your health, happiness, and sense of purpose will be.

Module 3: Tuning the Human Instrument to Health

Here our endeavor to align with nature’s supreme intelligence goes deeper. The Five Great Elements are the building blocks that govern everything in nature, including our bodies and minds. The great sages of India described the five elements in wonderful detail and poetic brilliance. 

In the third module you’ll be presented with a vision of your mind, body, and energy system that just may change how you think of yourself forever. The body and mind, along with its corresponding energy channels and subtle bodies, is experienced as a majestic instrument. Here, you will learn the dance of the elements, how to purify the obstructions of the mind, how to root out the subtle tendencies which perpetuate our imbalances and unhappiness, and how to attune your system to a consistently happier way of living.

Module 4: Prakriti — Secrets of Lifelong Health

Your mind and body are different to that of anyone else on the Planet. You have incredible superpowers that are innate to you, that we want to bring out and strengthen. Likewise, you have areas which you’re vulnerable, which we want to navigate with compassion, love and wisdom.

In this module, you’ll discover and unpack your unique body-mind constitution. In this module, you’ll start to look closely at the constitution you were born with (which Ayurveda calls prakriti), and also the state of relative harmony, or imbalance, you find yourself in now (vikriti).This is essential to learn how you tend to go out of balance, and when you do, how to bring yourself back.

Module 5: Six Stages of Disease Development

This is the great science of disease and vitality. There is a natural flow of the elements in all of life — our bodies and minds are no exception! The root cause of vitality (and disease) is how we are able to navigate and metabolize this natural flow of the elements. In this module, we begin to study how pathology develops in the body and mind. We learn to recognize the underlying causes of disease formation, the early symptoms of sickness, and how we can bring ourselves into a state of healthy balance.

Module 6: Perfect Digestion

Have you ever heard the phrase, “you are what you eat?” Well, Ayurveda takes that concept a little further. It shows us how different parts of our body are connected to specific mental states. In this module, you’ll meet your second brain: your gut. With robust stomach health, you’ll find that your mental and emotional spheres will better process and digest the experiences of your life — past, present, and future. We’ll also unlock the secrets of how we can target and nurture the seven primary tissue layers of our body (the dhatus) for a balanced, relaxed and creative mind.

Module 7: The Art of Ayurvedic Alchemy

Ayurveda calls our digestive capacity, or fire, our “agni.” In this module, we will look at how well (or how poorly) our body is currently digesting food — and the impact that this metabolic process has on our mind! When we bring this part of the body into balance —and get it working well — everything else tends to work. In this session, we will learn how to nurture and build our agni to experience optimum health. When you know the Art of Ayurvedic Alchemy, you’ll know how to pick the exact right tools for your body, and finally start to experience the vitality you know you’re capable of.

Module 8: Mastering the Art of Food & Diet

This is fun! Now that you know the wisdom of Ayurveda, you can finally relax about what you’re eating, while picking the perfect foods for where you are right now. We’ll learn how to eat for our unique body type — and how this changes depending on our time of life, where we’re living, and the season we’re in. Ayurveda teaches us that food is medicine, and here we’re going to learn how to eat each and every day for maximum health and healing — while having a great time doing it.

Module 9: The Ayurvedic Art of Herbalism

Now you know the deeper science underlying Ayurveda — and will use your knowledge to create a personalized herb regimen that’s perfect for you and your unique body type. We’re going to use the wisdom of Ayurvedic Herbology to cleanse and build the body, to clarify the mind, and to increase the sattvic, spiritual energy in the body. You’ll create a personalized herb regimen that will support your long-term health — so that you have the energy, mental clarity and vitality you’ll need to put your deepest aspirations into action.

Module 10: Ayurvedic Living & the Kundalini Experience

Our primary endeavor is to enjoy life more. As yogis, we undertake that by endeavoring to realize our more essential nature — our true identity. This is what we call “The Kundalini Experience.” In this final module of the course, you'll put into place the beautiful Ayurvedic lifestyle practices that make sense for your life, and where you are right now. You will create a dinacharya — a daily routine — that supports your radiance, clarity, and sense of happiness from the moment you wake up, to when you go to sleep at night. We make sure that all this is approachable and real for the modern-day person, so that you can experience the amazing effects now and well into the future!

The best explanation ever on food. Very helpful handouts. Your love and connection to the information presented was evident. The curriculum was systematic, clear, well organized. Great idea on the Q&A modules. Each module built on the previous ones. While I have been exposed to all the information in previous classes and books, your course allowed me to integrate it on a much deeper, more personal level. It has become ‘mine,’ rather than some bits of info memorized. One reading of an Ayurvedic book or one intro class is not enough for people to deeply grasp the essence of these teachings.

  • -Michael



Here, our kitchens will transform into both our classroom and our pharmacy! With the main modules of the Complete Course of Ayurveda as our backbone, we will utilize our principles of Ayurvedic Alchemy in order to understand how we can not only make food that is medicinal, but also delicious. 

Ayurvedic cuisine is not limited to the food stylings of its Indian homeland. Here you’ll learn how to use Ayurvedic principles in all the different styles of food you prepare. You’ll learn how to cook Ayurvedically for your whole family, and how to make modifications for the different constitutions you’re cooking for. 

Most importantly, you’ll learn to cook with the joy of life. You’ll learn how to put your prana into the food, and how to balance the five great elements through your cooking and your food. Here, not only does food become our medicine, food preparation becomes our living prayer.


At the time of your birth, whichever constellation was on the eastern horizon is what Vedic Astrologers call your ‘Lagna’...your ‘auspicious moment.’ That constellation is called ‘the first house of self’ and gives a definite tone to your life, and the way you perceive the world. Simultaneously, we could take a snapshot of the entire sky from that moment (your horoscope), and gain a useful portrait of the mind and body's tendencies. We can gain practical insight that gives us perspective on where we’ve been, and the higher octave of our life’s direction. 

In this special class we will use the Vedic horoscope to gain perspective on our Ayurvedic constitution, our life’s natural direction, our potential challenges, and our opportunities for greater health and happiness. This is an introductory class that will teach you simple and practical ways to look at your horoscope through the lens of Vedic wisdom!


In this bonus module, Jai Dev teaches you how to really put your creativity and Ayurvedic wisdom to work. You will learn how to use your understanding of the chemistry of the five elements and the six tastes to create herbal formulas that are fine-tuned to the needs of your unique body-mind type. Certain herbs have qualities which complement and strengthen each other, creating a synergistic effect that will really boost your metabolic health, and clarify your mind so that you can tune your vehicle towards your dharmic path. You’ll be able to use your newfound herbology to create formulas targeted for yourself, as well as for your family and friends!


As an added bonus that we think will make this simply irresistible…when you register for the Complete Course of Ayurveda 3.0, you will receive a significant student discount to attend any upcoming in-person Life-Force Academy Immersion. Your student pricing can also be extended to one additional guest. The potential savings of this bonus alone is worth far more than the course itself! (Value = $800-$1600) This offer expires when space at each event fills up. 


  • The course consists of 10 modules delivered immediately. We suggest taking the course over a period of 10 weeks so that you can assimilate the teachings and practices at an efficient & effective pace.
  • Each module includes both the main class, plus a yoga/meditation practice to experience with the class. The classes are 60-90 minutes in length and the yoga/meditation practices vary in their time.
  • Each class is provided in both video and audio format. The video format is dynamic, beautiful, and adds a visual element to the learning experience. The audio allows you to listen on the go!
  • You can stream the classes from the course website and/or download the video and audio files to your computer. It's very flexible and accessible for every lifestyle. There is no rush to finish the course.
  • There are also five pre-recorded Q&A sessions which focus on Ayurveda's relationship to various other topics such as sexuality, psychedelics, & tantra.
  • You will own the course and can access it at any time you wish. It is a powerful life asset that is yours forever.
  • Each module includes ayurvedic teachings, practical applications, kriyas, and blissful meditations.
  • If for any reason you decide the course is not for you, you have a full 60-day period to let us know and we'll send you a full refund. It's risk-free. 


I am now halfway through Ayurveda school and finding that Jai Dev’s teachings speak clearer to me than anything I am studying. I find that after each revisit of one of his dharma lectures I come to embody the material more and more. Otherwise, I am staring at copious notes in a binder without a poet to interpret their meanings.


— Certificate of Completion —

Receive This When You Finish The Course

Continuing Education Credits available through Yoga Alliance for registered teachers.



Our journey begins at the very nucleus of the human being where the yogis describe three powers of magnetism and our subtle nature that transcends even death. 

This is the jumping-off point for working with your magnetic energy so that the body and mind are given a new inner vitality. You’ll be introduced to the central practice of the Radiant Body Course and encouraged to work with it on a weekly basis. When your magnetism is strong, the mind becomes clear and your life aspirations gain positive momentum. 

Module One begins the activation of the Radiant Body. 


The mind is powerful. It can produce the deepest suffering or the greatest bliss. To study the architecture of the mind is both profound and practical. Here, it's not overly complicated and it's easy enough to understand. At the same time, it's highly sophisticated, and gives the practitioner the insight and vision necessary to transform the mind's crucial tendencies. The result is that we experience greater and greater happiness. With some consistency and practice, we learn to use the mind as a wonderful tool to shape our reality in the direction of our desires. We can beam a thought, feeling, and emotion to produce lasting joy, happiness, and compassion. 

In Module Two, we enter into the path of mind mastery!


The magnetics of the mind are relatively simple to understand, but often difficult to practice. The delicate process of activating the radiant body involves working with the powerful emotions and desires we all experience. Here, things get real. We all want to shine with great brilliance, yet in order to do so we must be willing to do the difficult work of purifying the dense parts of our mind which obstruct our light from shining! 

In Module Three, we use tantric meditations to harness the mind's power for greater happiness and bliss.


The human body/mind is animated by five “pranic winds.” When these winds are out of balance, all kinds of dis-ease, of both the body and mind, begin to emerge. When our pranic energy—our life-force—is in balance, it acts as a rhythmic love intelligence. It activates as a catalyst for spiritual acceleration. It brings us into greater harmony with our true nature, with the world around us, and with all of Creation.

In Module Four, we learn the specific yogic practices and meditations that generate balance and bring the subtle forces of our energetic body into deeper alignment. Together, we will use our bodies and minds as marvelous instruments, to vibrate a radiance throughout time and space.


Perhaps more than anything else, the human body is a metabolic organism. The balance of Earth/Water & Air/Ether is controlled by the supremely important Fire Element.

In Module Five, you’ll discover the five primary seats of fire in the body, how to decrease their inflammatory tendencies and how to ignite them for luster, radiance, and spiritual awareness. This isn’t just about the body, it’s about metabolizing emotion into compassion; it’s about discerning falsehood from truth, and utilizing every experience in our lives into a vehicle to experience greater Love.


One can have great fire, powerful prana, and illuminated awareness, but if it is not contained within the nourishing waters of the body, these powers are non-sustainable. Without proper insulation, even a well-tended fire will burn us out. On the physical level, the nourishing juices of the body provide youth, luster, and protection. On a subtle level, they provide the mind with sweet devotion and bliss!

Module Six is the art and science of building the container that makes radiance thrive throughout our lives.


Every human being has a magnetic field. When our magnetic field is weak, we are more susceptible to stress and overwhelm. When it is strong, we can withstand whatever life throws at us. Practices that strengthen the magnetic field are essential for the practitioner who is endeavoring to build their radiance. Yet our overall magnetism goes far beyond the human electromagnetic field. It includes the subtle body, the arc line, our life force, and the currents of the mental beam.

Module Seven brings you the teachings and practices to build a magnificent magnetic field!


The grand finale of the course does not disappoint. When the radiant body lights up, it's as if we can see everything in our life with a fresh, clear perspective. We no longer question our life’s direction. We know what our life is about. We can feel our great purpose and we have the courage to actualize it. That’s the radiant body. It brings new prosperity and a zest for life. 

In the final Module we dive deep into the mystical reality of the radiant body and you will learn the potent and wonderful kriya which lights it up! 


  • The course consists of eight complete modules delivered immediately. You'll receive weekly reminders to keep you on a 8-week track so you can assimilate the teachings and practices at an effective pace. Each module is an hour to an hour and a half in length.
  • Each class is provided in both video and audio format. The video format is dynamic and adds a visual element to the learning experience. The audio allows you to listen on the go!
  • You can stream the classes from the course website and/or download the video and audio files to your computer. It's very flexible and accessible for every lifestyle. There is no rush to finish the course.
  • In addition to the 8 modules, you will also receive some special course bonuses, and a personal invitation (for you + a guest) to our Life-Force Academy Immersion.
  • You will own the course and can access it at any time you wish. It is a powerful life asset that is yours forever.
  • There will be a core yoga/meditation practice that you will work with each day as you move through the course. The everyday practice is what makes the course experience particularly transformative.
  • If for any reason you decide the course is not for you, you have a full 60-day guarantee period to let us know and we'll send you a full refund. It's risk free. 

When you purchase The Radiant Body Course, you also receive these exclusive bonus gifts, only available to owners of the course!


There is a mathematical reality to the universe, of which the yogis have codified and passed down through time. By understanding the numerology associated with the different facets of the human being, one can gain great insight into their personal strengths, talents, as well as weaknesses and challenges (and how to overcome them).  

Jai Dev will teach the basics of understanding the yogic science of numerology and how you can calculate your own numbers and gain insights that will help you along your path. You will understand how to design your yoga practice based on your unique numerology.


The Gong is the supreme sound tool for inducing a deep meditative state, cleansing the subconscious mind, and assisting you into a state of wonderful relaxation. 'Naad Rasayan' is Jai Dev Singh's new guided meditation, visualization, and Gong recording that you'll receive as a free bonus to the Radiant Body Course. This powerful audio recording can be used before bed, or any time you wish. Simply lay down, put on your headphones, and go on a journey into the realm of the supreme sound.  

Naad is the awakening power within the sound current. Rasayan is a type of profound rejuvenation that promotes healing and longevity. The Naad Rasayan recording can be used on your computer, iPhone, Android, or any other MP3 player.

Jai Dev.

Jai Dev is a yogi, mystic, and internationally renowned teacher. He is the founder of the Life-Force Academy—a global community for yogic teachings and practices to help us connect to our deeper purpose.

He has authored numerous courses on Yogic Philosophy, Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga, and Ayurveda. In addition to his work as a Yogi, Jai Dev has a background in Ayurvedic Medicine and is a certified Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist.

He travels all over the world sharing ancient yogic teachings and practices in a uniquely accessible way that’s relevant to our times.