

A Worldwide Virtual Experience

Led by Yogi & Teacher, Jai Dev Singh

June 8th-12th, 2022


As an attendee of this webcast, you qualify for special tuition for the Life-Force Academy Immersion! This offer is available for a limited time. The course is regularly priced at $498, but if you join now, you pay only $299!

Regular Price: $498

Sale Price: Only $299


You have great work to do in this lifetime.

While these times are overflowing with challenges, there has never been a better time to purify that which is no longer serving you and to activate the energy of what your life is truly about.  

In this home activation-retreat, you'll gain the tools to genuinely experience the subtle, majestic nature of your being. We will explore the inspiration of our ancestors, of wise-ones who have laid the path before us, of seers who long ago pierced the veils of time and foretold of the great days we are now living.

Either we can sulk in our difficulties, indulge the depression, amplify our worry and anger... or, we can draw a line in the sand and commit to doing what it takes to experience the joy of living. If we continue to let outer circumstances dictate our level of love and joy, we will forever chase a contentment that is as elusive as a fading rainbow. 

On the other hand, if we truly wish to be happy and to discover the deeper meaning of our life... and if we’re willing to do the real work to unearth it... we can experience a joy that will not fade away. 

This is our time!

Mark your calendar June 8th-12th and register to secure your spot.


All Sessions Can Be Attended Live and/or Via the On-Demand Recording

Day 1: Wednesday, June 8th

Opening Session — 7:00pm-9:00pm PT

Day 2-4: Thurs-Sat, June 9-11th

Morning Session — 9:30am-1:00pm PT

Afternoon Session — 3:00pm-5:30pm PT

Evening Program — 7:00pm-9:30pm PT

Day 5: Sunday, June 12th

Closing Session — 9:30am-1:00pm PT

(Please note that session times are tentative and may shift slightly.)

Journey through the 8 Dharmas

Every session of this event will travel through a sphere, archetype, or facet of the human experience. It is a tuning of the entire human vehicle: body, mind, life-force, and its complex subtle energies. From here we gain the vitality to lead our life through the language of the heart. 

Each session will include an active yoga practice, beautiful meditations, and wisdom teaching, all set to the extraordinary soundscape of SIMRIT. Every session will be appropriate for any level of experience. 

SESSION 1 - The Dharma of Self

Featuring Live Music from SIMRIT

WEDNESDAY - 6/8/22 - 7:00pm-9:30pm PT

Beneath this world of apparent change, there is a changeless reality. This same reality can be discovered when we transcend our five senses, and penetrate into the inner nucleus of our being. The ancient Rishis of the Vedas named it the ‘Atma’ — your individual vibration of infinity — innately interwoven into a greater whole.

The Atma is clothed in our unique body and mind. It is reflected in what wise astrologers named the ‘First House of Self’. This First House is the garden in which the seeds of individuality, our sense of ego, and our personalized self, take root. Here we find our inner confidence, vitality, and our healthy sense of identity. By tapping into the majestic reservoir of the Atma, we definitely embark upon the hero’s journey of self-illumination.

SESSION 2 - The Dharma of Magnetism

THURSDAY - 6/9/22 - 9:30am-1:00pm PT

When we are well-aligned with what our life is all about, prosperity flows in our direction. With our magnetic field, we attract what we truly need for our life – everything is endlessly provided. Yet, it’s often the case that we don’t operate from this perspective. We become stuck in a real sense of lack. We are not feeling the love. We may even feel bitter.

By elevating our life force and drawing the mind into its ‘turiya’ state…where we penetrate  below the senses…we discover the flow of life as supremely wise and supremely loving. By attuning to that reality, we naturally enter the great river of our life’s path. All resources and sustenance are provided for your journey. That giving tree keeps on giving.

In Session 2 we experience Dharma as magnetism.

SESSION 3 - The Dharma of Enjoyment

Featuring Live Music from SIMRIT

THURSDAY - 6/9/22 - 3:00pm-5:30pm PT

Pleasure and pain come and go. Ups and downs are forever in motion. The art of life-enjoyment is learning to live ‘in joy, no matter what is happening in life. This is the journey of session three. To find a joy that is always within our reach is priceless. Yet, there is hard work involved. Our lives are filled with the business of countless activities, phone calls, text messages, errands, and on and on. How can our mind experience joy not only in a yoga session but in all the seemingly mundane things of our busy life?

To consistently appreciate and enjoy the many facets of our life we need a new type of vitality. We need a vitality that allows our tender hearts to safely express their love…a vitality that holds our minds in their natural state of contentment. This inner state of ‘Santokh’— deep contentment — is one that we all can enjoy. 

In Session 3, the vitality of joy comes alive.

SESSION 4 - The Dharma of Happiness

FRIDAY - 6/10/22 - 9:30am-1:00pm PT

The fourth house is known as ‘Sukha Bhava’, the house of happiness. But where do we find our happiness, really? As long as our happiness is tied to that which is always changing, it will continue to be fleeting. The great sages of India showed how the first stage of liberation is found in the foundations of unchanging reality. ‘Sukha’ infers ease, grace, and quite literally means ‘good space’. 

To have an inner environment that feeds your inner happiness is essential for a path of Dharma. Good times will come and go. Tough times will always be around the corner. It is the inner happiness that can carry across the ocean of our life. 

In Session 4, we ignite our power of happiness.

SESSION 5 - The Dharma of Service

Featuring Live Music from SIMRIT

FRIDAY - 6/10/22 - 3:00pm-5:30pm PT

Now that our ‘inner space’ is helping to fortify our enjoyment and happiness, a great realization arises within our minds and hearts: true happiness can only be sustained by sharing it with others. It can be as simple as a smile, a moment of generosity, the genuine concern for another. We realize that our path of Dharma is always oriented towards service. 

Each of us is wired totally uniquely. The way you serve in this life, and thus activate your higher Dharmas, will be absolutely unique to you. It is more of an art than it is a science. How do we arouse the inspiration and clarity for our path of service?

This is the magic of Session Five! 

SESSION 6 - The Dharma of Relationship

SATURDAY - 6/11/22 - 9:30am-1:00pm PT

Relationships are at the heart of all our lives. What are we without our precious (unique?) relationships? Likewise, what are we without our most challenging relationships? We can’t have one without the other. Their force only exists in opposition to each other. As it is said, ‘if you don’t want enemies, don’t have friends!’ 

We all desire beautiful, rewarding relationships. Many of us desire that one beautiful life-partnership that can act as a magnificent vehicle of companionship to deepen our enjoyment and help us traverse life’s many peaks and valleys. Yet, the supreme relationship, the fountain which feeds all the others, is our inner heart and its ability to commune with the Great Heart of creation. Here, our words become poems, our glance becomes divine, and our deepest desires are fulfilled. 

To fall in love is an infinite fall. In Session 6, we give elevation to all of our relationships. 

SESSION 7 - The Dharma of Path & Purpose

Featuring Live Music from SIMRIT

SATURDAY - 6/11/22 - 3:00pm-5:30pm PT

When we drop below our senses and dwell in the reservoir of pure awareness, something magical happens: through the clarity of our inner being we experience our unique nature and the majestic river that flows from it. That river is our unique life path — our Dharma. In the west, we often think of purpose within the context of career and/or goal orientation.

Dharma is not a career, although it may give you a career. Dharma is not a skill, although it may give rise to your greatest gifts. Dharma is a current — the natural current of our life path. 

In Session 7, we bring ourselves fully into the powerful current of our life’s direction.

SESSION 8 - The Dharma of Reality

SUNDAY - 6/12/22 - 9:30am-1:00pm PT

Modern physicists teach us that all of reality is unified by an underlying field. Indeed, the Rishis called this field Akasha — the ‘space’ element. Akasha is the medium through which all of life travels. We can’t see it with ordinary sight, thus we call it ‘space’. The great yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, described it as ‘a distinct vibration between matter and energy, between the physical universe and the astral universe — where we all go when we die’. 

It is here that our foundations for happiness bear their sweetest fruits. When we permeate into the most subtle aspect of our nature, we experience our timeless reality, our infinite nature. We are liberated from the trials and tribulations of our worldly life and are filled with the bliss of our true, infinite nature.  

In Session 8, we close the circle and re-emerge in our vitality and shine!

How the Immersion Works:

  • The Immersion consists of eight video sessions. The entire event will be streamed live, and recordings will be available after.
  • Each session is provided in video format. The week after the Immersion we will be adding audio files. The video format is dynamic and adds a visual element to the learning experience. The audio allows you to listen on the go!
  • You can stream the sessions live from our website and/or download the video/audio files to your computer after the event concludes. This way you can enjoy the content offline after the event.
  • You will own the Immersion content forever and can access it at any time you wish. The virtual aspect of the event offers attendees the ability to relive the Immersion experience again and again.


"I loved the potency of the practices and the discipline it required to commit to the structure from home. The highlights for me were the energy I felt within and around me after the early morning sadhana and chanting, the connectiveness to Jai Dev’s presence even through virtual arena, the delicate and powerful music of SIMRIT, and praying for compassion in solidarity with a worldwide community during a time of great unrest." - Neema 

"I really loved the format. It was wonderful to spend such concentrated time inside a virtual container that spanned several days with community. The Zoom Room was so sweet. Of course, it's just amazing to have SIMRIT live there as well. It's just so special." - Kim 

"It was amazing to be able to still attend - from my living room - and particularly during a pandemic! I love in-person retreats but I found that I could take longer breaks if needed at home, so I could set my own pace. I loved that it was virtual and it didn’t lose any of the potency." - Kristen

"I can't thank all of you enough for creating a sacred space for me to practice more deeply compassion and love for myself and others, and for going deeper into the practice of stillness and deep listening within myself. I felt calm and more connected to my essence, to what really matters." - Sue Ann

"I LOVED the live music. It really enhanced the experience. It also helped that Jai Dev addressed those of us in the Zoom room, encouraging us and reminding us of certain things as if we were all together in one space." - Becca

"I definitely feel calmer. Even though I don't see or interact with LFA members, I feel more connected and a part of the community. The retreat gave me a feeling of belonging. The experience gave me the luxury of time to stay with my connection to what truly matters and to the divine within and that has deepened my confidence as well as a feeling of peace." - Sue Ann

"After the Immersion was over and the challenging contraction of life occurred, I kept coming back to that opening...the one that has given me the lens to see from a mindful and observing place. It is a place where I can cultivate the ability to not grip to the pleasures of life or avoid the pain. It is a vantage point that is constantly being nurtured, but post immersion I've experienced an anchoring that feels substantive. Saying that I am grateful...well...words just seem to fall short." - Mary

"I was renewed in my commitment to a kundalini yoga practice. I loved the feel of community from LFA and the immersion, even though it was virtual, still felt like such a great connection, energetically, with everyone who was doing the meditations around the world at the same time. That was incredible and to revisit that feels like a huge uplift for me in my sentiments towards humanity right now." - Emily

"I feel more self compassion and trust my intuition more. My consistency towards my practice has increased, because I really got the message that I could dedicate my practice to the happiness of others, and it's just so delightful to continue to bring this into focus when I practice now." - Michelle


As an attendee of this webcast, you qualify for special tuition for the Life-Force Academy Immersion! This offer is available for a limited time. The course is regularly priced at $498, but if you join now, you pay only $299!

Regular Price: $498

Sale Price: Only $299

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Jai Dev Singh is a yogi and internationally-renowned Kundalini Yoga teacher. He is the founder of the Life-Force Academy and has authored numerous courses on Yoga and Ayurveda. He is a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist and formerly served as the Clinical Director at the California College of Ayurveda. He travels all over the world sharing ancient yogic teachings and practices.


Internationally-renowned vocalist and songwriter Simrit, born in Athens, Greece, has been studying and experimenting with Kundalini Yoga for two decades. Her highly-acclaimed courses, ‘The Supreme Sound’ and 'Clear & Confident,' continue to be studied by thousands worldwide. She records, composes, produces music, and tours with her band giving concerts and workshops across the globe.